They're just about ready to go in the cups with soil, so we'll be doing that in the next couple of days.
In non-gardening news, Zed and I attended a class a couple of weekends ago based around the concept of "loose parts"--objects that don't have a set use but that can be repurposed in multiple ways with some imagination. The materials we have out for the kids already include lots of objects like this, but the class was a good refresher, and we came away with some new ideas.
One idea we came away with is putting together a selection of hardware (large nuts and bolts and washers, etc.) that can be used together to build things, sorted out, turned into patterns, dumped into a truck, or whatever else the kids can think of to do with them. We got a small selection over the weekend to test the idea, and we should have some more soon. We would also like to build a music wall for the kids to bang around on outdoors, though we need to brainstorm a way to make it portable or cover it so we can have peaceful outdoor time, too.
A fantastic example of a music wall. |