Sunday, April 7, 2013

Another Great Week

This week has been lovely. Barely even needed to water, but that hasn't stopped the kids. There's still been enough time to work with shaving cream on the porch table, which if you haven't tried at home, you absolutely have to. You can write names in it, sound out letters, you name it. I like to make sure every kid gets a chance to talk about what they're doing, it's pretty amazing the things they write. Counting games in the shaving cream are fun, too. I've had a lot of parents ask about kindergarten prep, and I wanted to talk about our continuing exposure to letters, words, and numbers, along with our play and work, and we've continued to take every opportunity to bring letter sounds, crafts, and counting into the environment. Patty brought in a wonderful new song about worms, ladybugs and bees, which the kids would love to share with you if you ask them. Corn starch and water are another fun activity from this week, and another fun one to do at home. Building has been another big deal of the week, with the kids putting together huge tracks on the back porch, and on our really rainy days, building castles inside out of cardboard boxes big enough for the whole crew to share. Finally, winding down the week, we had a quiet Friday with some muffins that the kids had a hand in helping mix.

I think I've heard from all the parents by now about their feelings on photos of the kids' activities on the web page, and I will be compiling them into a list I consult when putting up photos, making sure to respect your boundaries. 
Let's have another great week! 

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