Monday, April 1, 2013

Pansies and Pictures

This weekend marked some minor changes to the daycare. We have new artwork hanging on the walls, a lovely painting set worked on by all of our friends, and a new reading nook where Hith (our friendly stuffed boa constrictor) lives. I also purchased some new Hot Wheels cars this weekend, of all types and colors, so that everyone can play together. Our friends liked seeing their artwork hanging on the wall and had fun squeezing into the new reading spot with Hith to look through a book. They were also very excited about the new cars, and had a lot of fun playing with them both inside and outside on the porch.

The pansies we planted two weeks ago have all bloomed. Most are yellow and purple, and they are very pretty. More than looking at them, our friends enjoy watering them, and we do so diligently each and every morning.

Spring has definitely sprung, and with the trees and flowers beginning to bloom, the yard looks lovely. Jenn took some pictures today to show her mom, and I've taken the liberty of posting a few of them here. They're just photos taken with a cellphone, but they show how pretty the yard has been, the last few days.

 The view from the left corner of the yard. The sandbox is covered, but you can still see how pretty the tree looks. 
The play structures. The trees have their leaves back, and the yard is so green! 

Our pansy box. The pansies our friends planted have all bloomed, and they're beautiful. 

The bike path. All of the bushes along the path are in bloom and our friends have been enjoying the flowers. 

The bench under the tree. With the tree in blossom, it looks and smells lovely, and we've been doing a lot of playing around here in the past two weeks. 

The new artwork hanging on the walls. We've left the butterflies up but have moved the posters around and have hung up paintings done by Patti. These paintings have the words to our Wiggle Worm song.

We've put up new artwork in the quiet room, too--a painting done by all of our friends. Why not ask your little one to point out what they painted? They're very proud and would love to tell you. 

If the weather permits, we will be planting sugar snap peas along the back fence this week, either Thursday or Friday. It's a little late in the season to plant peas (Jenn's grandpa always told her to plant them by Saint Patrick's Day to get the best yield), but we don't care about yield--we want to watch them grow. Jenn has also promised that she will order our red wrigglers this week so we can begin our worm farm.

Regardless of when we'll get to plant our peas, our friends seem happy and healthy and are glad that spring has finally arrived.

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